Reviews & Testimonials For Alex Fraser
Back to Trainer30th January 2025 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Hyperactivity, Pulling

I know our training methods work well and I really love the Wagg Walker harness. Following the initial session, most customers will get some relatively quick wins, but some behaviours can take longer to improve. Frank however improved in all areas both inside and outside of the home. He used to get overexcited when one lead and would jump and mouth his owners which was one of the key reasons I was asked to help. By the end of the session he was walking to heel perfectly, no jumping or mouthing. I have also heard that he is also calm when he has a dog friend over, where before he would jump all over them and never settle. Even I was blown away by how well the did.
5th December 2024 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Jumping up, Puppy management, Recall, Toileting

I really enjoyed meeting Honey and her parents yesterday and Honey did really well. Honey’s Mum and Dad are not first time dog owners, but Honey is their first puppy in a long time and all puppies can challenge their owners. Bark Busters are not treat trainers, but focus more on body language and implementing simple ground rules to ensure dogs listen better and worry less. By the end of the session, Honey was absolutely shattered - not due to walking her miles - but working her brain. I can’t wait for an update in a couple of weeks, and I have every confidence that she will be making her owners proud!
29th November 2024 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up, Pulling
As always, another really great session and I loved meeting Guinness!! Again, the owners were certainly not first time dog owners, but like people all dogs are different and can have their own challenges. Guinness used to pull and became over adrenalised when he met a dog when on lead. But the end of the initial session Guinness was walking really well to heel which in turn will help them have a calmer Guinness when they pass other dogs on a walk. I’m looking forward to catching up with them all in a few weeks.
23rd November 2024 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Aggression, Barking, Pulling, Recall, Separation anxiety, Sibling rivalry
Really enjoyed the session! Although some behaviours can take time to improve or fix, most customers will get some relatively quick fixes following the initial session. Following up sessions are great and I can continue to develop the owners skills so that’s they can make their dogs the best versions of themselves. Looking forward to catching up with them all soon.
29th September 2024 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Separation anxiety
All dogs are clever, but some breeds want to please their owners more than others and Pod was one of these dogs. Apart from being rather excitable when people entered their home, they didn’t really have any issues with Pod’s behaviours at home, but they were struggling with him on walks as he was rather barky when he saw another dog. I always like to do some work in the home first to get a dog listening better to the owners before focusing on lead work and reactivity. He did bark at the first dog we saw, but by the time we finished the walk he was far more focused on them and the barking stopped. I have confidence in the training techniques I teach, but this session even exceeded my expectations. I received an update a few days later advising that he has continued to behave himself on walks and they now both enjoy talking him out. Great result!
31st August 2024 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up

I have worked with a lot of German Shepherds over the past 10 years and a lot of them were nervous and reactive towards strangers. Charlie is defiantly in his teenage phase and he had started to push back when he was being asked to do something by his family. I never know how much we can do on the initial session, especially when working with a nervous aggressive dog, but I was delighted with how well Charlie! When working with an excitable large teenage dog our body language plays a big role when we want them to listen to us. I believe that ground rules around the home and consistency from owners will also teach them that the home is actually their home to relax in rather than being the place they need to protect. It will be good to catch up with them all to see how they are all getting on.
28th August 2024 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Recall
Another great session and both Ludo and his parents did really well! I have worked with a lot of foreign rescue dogs and in the main they are quite nervous and usually more nervous of men than women. It’s always important that we take the initial training session at the dogs pace, to ensure we don’t overwhelm them. Ludo was less anxious than a lot of the rescues I’ve met and he did really well both inside and outside of the home. I’m confident with some consistency he will continue to do better and better. Keep up the good work.
23rd August 2024 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Other
I am so impressed with how Kingston’s behaviour on walks has improved following the initial session. He was certainly a challenge to walk on lead for anybody, but with some hard work from his owner he now walks beautifully. He is a young dog and can still have the odd excitable moment, but even when he is excited, there is no more jumping up and mouthing!! Looking forward to catching up with them all to start working on some long lead work to teach him recall. Keep up the good work!!
19th June 2024 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Puppy management

I love working with puppies and their owners! But the reality with any puppy is that there is no quick fix - even for an experienced dog owner. Dogs go through a lot of change in their first 12 to 18 months and my job is to assist the owners and give them the tools and skills to make their dog the best version of themselves.
8th June 2024 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Puppy management

Great session and 2 really lovely dogs. Puppies tend to be puppies until approximately 6 months and then they enter their teenage phase. The 2 teenagers I met did so well around the home, but were very excitable on their walk. In order for our dogs to listen to us outside of the home, it’s important at that they listen well inside the home. Looking forward to catching up with them all in a few weeks.
29th May 2024 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Separation anxiety
Always enjoy my sessions and following the initial session, there should always be some quick wins for the customer. Some behaviours often take longer to improve, especially behaviours such separation anxiety. This session went even better than I could have anticipated, especially due to the fact that we were able to leave him home alone for 2 minutes without him making a fuss and he stopped worrying when we practice knocking on the front door. Happy dog, happy customers and a very happy behaviouralist!
27th May 2024 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Aggression, Pulling
Great session with Mavis and her Mum and she did really well. In order to get our dogs listening to us better when in a walk, it’s important that we get them listening to us around the home when they are less adrenalised. After the initial session there will always be some quick wins, but some behaviours can take longer to improve.