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Who doesn't love a Beagle's doe-like eyes, happy and easy-going nature, their cute, floppy ears? As a member of the hound family, they live to use their nose and love to eat! They are excellent as scent detection dogs at airports and can search out weapons, drugs, and illegal food items with ease. Originally bred in England to hunt, the Beagle has long been popular as a family companion.


Beagles have been around so long that no one is quite certain of their origins. Similar size and type of dogs were found in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC, to hunt rabbit and hare. During Medieval times, early Beagles were small and stood only 8 to 9 inches tall. They were called "Pocket Beagles" because they were small enough to fit into a hunter's pocket. As larger dogs were needed for hunting larger prey, these smaller Beagles became extinct in the early 1900’s.

The more modern breed which is larger in size originated in Great Britain in the 1830’s as a cross between two breeds, the Southern Hound, and the North Country Beagle. A man named Reverend Phillip Honeywood of Great Britain started a breeding programme and King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth I, fell in love with the breed. Wanting to improve on the breed, Thomas Johnson produced dogs that were statelier in appearance and better hunters.

Since then, the breed has been successfully domesticated and has become popular as a family pet and show dog too.

Beagle Sniffing


Beagles are loving and gentle dogs with a fierce independent streak. As a pet parent, you will have to be patient and persistent since this breed is so strong willed.

When training your Beagle, always have them on a lead or they will follow their nose versus your commands and head off in search of an enticing scent.

Before you go over the moon for this breed, know that they love companionship and do not like to be alone. Therefore, separation anxiety can be an issue.

Points of Interest:
  • Beagles are scent hounds and are wonderful escape artists so a fenced in yard or garden, and on a lead when on a walk is essential.
  • They are one of the most vocal dogs as they bark, bay, and howl.
  • They are pack animals that do well with other dogs.
  • Their eyes are either hazel or brown and look like they are pleading.
  • Most don't like to swim.
  • Not great as guard dogs as they are generally everyone's best friend.

As Bark Busters trainers, we have seen Beagles plough through a drywall when left alone for too long. To cut down on the destruction, Beagles need a lot of exercise, education, and an outlet for their energy.

Beagles are often known as the "Goldilocks" of dogs as they are not too big, not too small, not too aggressive, and not too shy. Due to their acute sense of smell, they are often called a "nose with feet".

They are so vocal so they might not make the best apartment or flat dwellers as you can hear them howl loudly. For a dog of its size, the Beagle has a BIG voice. A Beagle's voice is not only typically louder than other breeds its size, but it also has a passionate tone that other breeds do not have.

Fun Facts About Beagles

Beagle Dog Tail

  • Beagles have approximately 220 million scent receptors compared to the 5 million in people.
  • Early "Beagles" were only eight or nine inches high.
  • The Beagle is ranked among the top 10 most popular dogs in the world.
  • The "Peanuts" character in Snoopy was a Beagle and possibly was the reason behind some of its popularity.
  • One of the identifying marks of a purebred Beagle is some white in its tail. It may only be a few hairs at the tip, or it may be mostly white, but a "Beagle" without any white in its tail is probably a mix.
  • Although we know Queen Elizabeth II as a huge Corgi fan, the first Queen Elizabeth loved the miniature "pocket" Beagles.
  • They are very vocal and are known for their howling.
  • It is believed the name "Beagle" comes from the Middle French words "bee gueule," which translated to mean "wide throat", or more commonly for the Beagle, "loudmouth".

Personality and Temperament

It is often said about Beagles that "they never met a person they didn't like". They get along well with kids and other breeds because they are carefree and cooperative. In fact, the Beagle has a fun and curious nature, much like many children. They can thrive both in the city and country, although they do best with plenty of room to roam. If you are looking for a couch potato, this is not the breed to choose as they require a lot of exercise.

The two biggest dog training problems with the Beagle involves recall, coming back when called, and walking by their owner's side on a lead. Why, because Beagles have their nose to the ground and prefer to follow that, versus you! They will wander around whether supervised or not.

Some people say that Beagles are not intelligent, but this is far from the truth. Consider the fact that they often get away with NOT following your commands. Beagles are free thinkers, unlike Labradors who live to please their pet parents, and they follow the beat of their own drum. This does not mean they can't be trained. In fact, the Bark Busters style of training which is based on the way dogs naturally communicate is perfect for this dog. Although training can be a challenge, with persistence and patience you can succeed.

What are the advantages of a Beagle?
  • Inquisitive and determined.
  • Loving and easy going.
  • Compact, short-coated and easy to groom.
  • Alert, curious and busy.
  • Gentle in nature.
  • Intelligent, friendly and easily won over.
  • Rarely shy or aggressive.
  • Mischievous and funny.


The breed is multitalented and is often used by Government authorities to search for illegal food, plants, and drugs because of their phenomenal sense of scent.

Beagles are also great hunting dogs. Beagles are fiercely loyal, highly energetic and hunt with all their heart. They were originally bred to hunt hare and rabbit. They are particularly good at being left loose in the field and hunting their prey without instruction. It is this independent streak that contributes to their stubbornness. This contrasts with dogs like Labradors who hunt on command. However, the Beagle doesn't have to hunt to be happy and they can be just as happy on your lap.

Bark Busters Robert Machi

Robert Machi, Bark Busters USA Trainer

Beagles…what can you say that hasn't been said a thousand times before? A small hound with a big personality. Adorable puppies with the funniest howl. Cute as a button with a nose powerful enough to track a thief or to smell mum cooking dinner from 45 metres away. Long floppy ears that look like Superman’s cape when they are in full sprint. Great hunters but they can double as a lap dog at the end of a full day of running.

Beagles are regularly in the top 10 most popular breeds. Snoopy is probably the most well-known beagle ever, and these dogs are priceless to their families. Their incredible abilities really come in handy. You may see them at airports as detections dogs. They can be trained to find bed bugs and termites too. You may even see them as therapy dogs.

However, just like any breed, they present unique challenges. They are known for being stubborn and can give you a "run for your money" when trying to train them. Beagles tend to walk with their nose to the ground looking to pick up the next scent of bugs or chicken bones. So, it is challenging, but doable, to teach them to walk at your side. They can be prone to becoming anxious when left alone so, as puppies, they need to be crate trained or have their space reduced in a room, or you may come home to find holes in your walls. Their "chase first, ask questions later" temperament has caused more than a few Beagles to run through glass doors, that they forgot were there.

They are short and stocky so, like most dogs, you have to watch their weight as they get older. This can become a serious problem as it can lead to other health issues especially if they get lazy.

Having said all that, they are funny dogs that you can have a great time with and can be a great addition to a family.

Beagle Running


At any stage of life, here are some of the most common injuries and illnesses you should be aware of when bringing home a Beagle:

  • Lameness and limping
  • Intervertebral disc disorder
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Urinary Tract infections
  • Allergies
  • Masses
  • Cruciate ruptures

Your Beagle's health concerns will change over the course of their life. A puppy might be more prone to an upset stomach or eating something they shouldn't, a 2-year-old Beagle is more likely to rupture a disc in their back, and a senior Beagle may contract pneumonia or develop a cancerous mass as they age. Beagles also have personality and physical traits that may make them more prone to certain conditions. They are prone to allergies, and due to the length of their bodies, they are susceptible to back issues and lameness as they get older.

If you are ever concerned about your dog's health, your local veterinarian is a great resource, no matter how small the question.

Genetic Health Concerns

Like many other popular breeds, the Beagle has a number of hereditary health issues, like eye problems and allergies. Most reputable breeders now have their breeding stock checked and scored for these hereditary ailments by a vet. You should request proof that the puppy you are purchasing comes from parents that have been checked for these issues.

Many other health issues are also hereditary, so do some research on the ancestry of your puppy and any health issues of that particular breed.

Many rescue organisations also check for common ailments before making them available for adoption.

Preparing Yourself

As a pet owner, you should expect to pay for basic veterinary care like vaccines, spay / neuter, and annual checkups. Many pet owners don't consider the unexpected illnesses and injuries that can occur throughout a pet's life, and they don't prepare for them. Pet insurance can help a pet owner prepare.

Training Your Beagle

Bark Busters USA Jeff Drier

Bark Busters USA National Trainer - Jeff Drier

I can't tell you how many times I've worked with Beagles named "Snoopy", but it's been a lot! Even I had a "Snoopy" when I was a child. Typically, Beagles are great family dogs who are tolerant of kids, although as with any dog living in a home with children, clear rules and boundaries for both, need to be established and maintained.

Beagles are scent hounds which means that they are ruled by their noses, more than other breeds. They will naturally follow a scent until they either find the source or they find a more interesting scent. Due to their exceptional ability to follow a scent they make excellent hunters and trackers. Tracking is an activity they were born to do. Following their noses, however, can make them challenging to walk. Recall, or coming when called, can also be a challenge for Beagles. These are probably the two areas of behaviours that Bark Busters Trainers deal with consistently with Beagles.

Beagle Dog Sniffing

If there's a game a Beagle will really enjoy it's "find the treat". It's a simple game to teach. You get a treat and let your dog smell it. Put it close by, in plain sight, and say "Find". Since it's close by and in sight they will find it very quickly. Make a BIG DEAL of them finding it. The more excited you are about it the better. You repeat it and each time make it just a little more challenging. Keep making a big deal when they find it, and it won't be long before they will understand "Find". After they master this, you will be able to hide a treat almost anywhere and they will find it. It can be very entertaining watching a Beagle search for the hidden treat. You can also use other items, toys, or something of yours. You can even play hide and seek with family members. Kids love playing that game as will your Beagle too.

With patience, consistency, and communication you will be able to walk Beagle with their head up instead of nose to the ground, and they will come when you call.

Our trainers are experts at helping you with these and any other behaviour issues your Beagle may have. When you learn to "Speak Dog" and teach your dog how to fit into your life using methods they already understand the results are Happy Dogs and Happy Families.

Common Behaviour Problems

One of the most common questions Bark Busters trainers are asked is, "How do I stop my dog from barking?". They are hoping we have a magic solution, but the truth is twofold:

1) You have to learn to communicate with your dog in a language they understand.

2) You have to develop their trust and respect as a leader.

Remember that dogs learn how to communicate with each other when they are first born, and their mothers are dealing with the litter. Their mum doesn't use food or pain to get them to do what she wants them to do. Instead, she uses guttural sounds, and body language.

Bark Busters will teach you to communicate with your dog in the way dogs naturally communicate. Many dogs with behaviour problems will try to establish a leadership role when the position is vacant. This can happen when we don't show leadership ourselves. It's hard-wired in your Beagle, and they need to know they can trust you to keep them safe, or they will spend their time trying fill the leadership role and try to protect you and the family. This makes for a very stress dog. You need to develop a relationship based on trust, respect and leadership.

Every move you make your dog is judging your tone of voice, your facial expressions, your posture, and how you are interacting with him to see whether you are worthy of their trust and respect. They may decide that they love you but doesn't respect you and therefore won't listen to you.

Bark Busters training can help you to understand your dog and how to not only have your dog love you, but to show them that you are also are a capable leader worthy of his respect.

We will apply these principles to help you overcome the following behaviour problems common to Beagles such as:

  • Barking
  • Howling
  • Chewing
  • Recall Issues
  • Pulling on the lead
  • Destructive Behaviour
  • Separation Anxiety

Contact your local Bark Busters trainer for more information on dealing with and understanding your Beagle.


Beagle Socialisation

The best type of safe socialisation for your Beagle is to socialise with dog owners whose dog is well behaved. You do not want your new dog to be intimidated by a bigger dog that can seem like a bully, nor do you want your new dog to pick up any bad habits. Since Beagles normally get along with other dogs, adding a Beagle to your family shouldn't be a problem.

Dogs learn a lot from other dogs so before you introduce your dog to another dog, ensure the other dog is a positive influence.

It might be best to avoid dog parks for a while as this can be pretty overwhelming, particularly for a puppy. It's better to start by introducing your dog to one or two new friendly dogs. Be sure to have your Beagle on a lead so no scuffles ensue.

The Wrong Kind of Socialisation

Many new puppy parents cannot wait to take their new puppy out in public or straight to the dog park. This is where some of the seeds of behaviour problems are sown. Unfortunately, Bark Busters trainers see many dogs who developed a fear early on in life as a result of another dog's inappropriate behaviour.

Unfortunately, we see perfectly adorable puppies turn into dog aggressive adolescents, due to a bad introduction to a bossy puppy or older dog.

Take Bella who was a new Beagle puppy who developed a fear of men that she learned from the next-door neighbour's dog. This took some re-programming on the part of the Bark Busters trainer so that Bella could develop a healthy relationship with other dogs, she encountered.

One bad experience can leave a young, inexperienced dogs with emotional scars, that are not easy to reverse.

We don't like our children hanging out with delinquents. This applies to our dogs too. We need to expose our dogs to new sights and sounds so they don't develop any irrational fears later, but we need to do so slowly, particularly if your dog shows any hesitation in the beginning.

Select those dogs as playmates for your Beagle puppy, that are low energy and tolerant dogs.

Sylvia & Danny Wilson Bark Busters

Danny and Sylvia Wilson, Founders of Bark Busters


Taking Your Beagle to Dog Parks

Dog Parks are one of the most misunderstood activities of the modern-day dog world. Some doggie parents love nothing more than to take their dog to a dog park. They have been told they need to socialise their dog and so off they go.

They love the fact that their dog has fun, they get to meet other dog lovers and watch the dog's romp around and play.

That is the upside, but the downside is there are those dog lovers whose dogs don't fit into this world at all. They are those dogs or puppies that were bullied, frightened on their first visit or whose personality does not fit the mould.

These folks agonise over the fact that their dog or puppy does not look forward to its trip there, it hides under the seat of the car, or it has to be carried or enticed into the park.

Many ask us why their dog acts like this and how they can fix it?

Bark Busters do have ways to assist these pet parents, but we do also explain why their dog might not like the dog park because of its personality.

It reminds us of a friend of ours who visited us regularly with her little dog, 'Harry'.

When they would arrive, Harry would walk up to each of us, sniff our legs and walk away.

She questioned us one day on why we never petted Harry when he came up to us.

We explained that this was not what Harry was doing, he was sniffing us, not requesting a pat. If he had been requesting to be petted, after sniffing us, he would have gestured to us to pet him. He did not do that, instead he walked away.

We told her that Harry was not a social dog and preferred not to be touched by anyone other than her and he avoided any interaction with our dogs too. He was a 'one person' dog that did not feel comfortable around others.

It was like a light had been turned on, our friend smiled and told us that this explained a lot to her. She further explained that every time she took Harry to the dog park, that he could not wait to get back to the car when it was time to leave, that he would stand away from the other dogs, never join in the play and snap at other dogs when they came near him.

He was telling her in every way he could that he did not fit into that dog park crowd, just like some humans hate parties!

Puppy Selection

  • Select the Puppy that Suits your Personality and Lifestyle
  • Here are some guidelines for selecting a puppy.
  • See how the puppy reacts with the litter. Although you want a playful pup, you may not want the most dominant or the shyest one.
  • Puppies should be friendly, curious and may even start playing with you.
  • Choose the puppy personality that is right for you and your lifestyle.
  • Check its hearing a nd vision by clapping behind its head and rolling a ball...does the puppy watch the ball's direction?
  • Notice the puppies breathing and gait. There should be no coughing, sneezing or limping.
  • Take your new pup to the vet to have him checked out.

If you want a puppy, there are many great places to turn to find one with a terrific personality. Be sure to check out your local rescues and shelters, because they have some amazing dogs and puppies that desperately need a forever home.

There are many Beagles specific rescues, animal welfare shelters, Humane Society, and RSPCA's who have many great dogs looking for homes. These organisations test their dogs for temperament and soundness.

It is important for us to understand there is no such thing as a bad dog. Most dogs are abandoned because many dog owners don't have the time, patience, or invest in the right training to educate their dog. Bark Busters trainers can help you with this.

By adopting, you will be helping a dog in need, one that wants nothing more than to be in a loving home. You will be helping the pet overpopulation problems and save a deserving dog from being euthanised.

The idea that dogs who are sent to shelter have too much baggage is a myth. Shelter dogs have no more issues than dogs adopted from a reputable breeder. Your dog's behaviour will depend on YOU establishing yourself as a good pet parent and "leader". Animal Welfare and Rescues do amazing work in trying to save dogs and match breeds to the right owners, so consider that option when looking for a new puppy.

Many of our Bark Busters’ trainers volunteer their services at local shelters and rescues to assist in rehabilitating dogs. Bark Busters have saved hundreds of dogs through our volunteer rescue program.

If you do decide to go to a breeder, then view both parents to determine the puppy's personality, parentage and request to view their health records.

View all interaction between the puppies as this will tell you a lot about their personality. Look out for those assertive types if you want a dog that is going to be good family dog that is good with children.

When you are selecting a puppy, try to avoid selecting the fearful or over-zealous puppy. If you are at a shelter, consider that the dog might just be traumatised by their surroundings. All those barking dogs cause timid dogs stress and quite often you will see a different dog if you can get the staff to bring him away to a private viewing section for you.

If you have children, bring them with you and see how the dog reacts to the child.

Tips for Bringing Home a New Puppy
  • Do not bring a puppy home before it has reached 8 weeks, but preferably 12 weeks of age. It is important they have bonding time with their mother and litter mates.
  • Bring your puppy home in the morning, if possible, to allow your puppy to get used to their new home before evening comes. Your dog may cry the first couple of nights because they are in unfamiliar surroundings.
  • Try to bring home some bedding with the scent of the mother dog or scent of litter mates.
  • Introduce your puppy to where they will eat and sleep.
  • Initially, keep your puppy on the same diet. If you want to change food, do so gradually.
  • A puppy will chew so remove any dangerous cords or chemicals out of harm's way.
  • Even if your puppy is toilet trained, take them out numerous times during the day, particularly after eating, sleeping, drinking and any exuberant exercise.
  • If possible, stay home with your puppy for the first couple of days so they can get used to the new environment.
  • Address any barking, while hidden close by, without returning to your puppy. Constantly going back to your puppy will only encourage more barking. Puppies do better if they know you are nearby and have not deserted them.

Four Basic Needs

Beagle Dog Bed

As a responsible dog owner, your dog depends on you for four basic needs.

  • Food
  • Shelter
  • Safety
  • Entertainment

Let's examine those four basic needs and why your dog needs them to keep it healthy, balanced and content.

Food - diet / nutrition

This breed is in the "working class" breed, therefore, it needs a good quality protein-based food with real meat versus byproducts or meals with added carbohydrates (such as brown rice) for energy. Beagles love food, so they are prone to becoming overweight, so carefully monitor their calorie consumption and their weight.

Some dogs can be pretty picky about their food, but the Beagle is not normally one of them. Consult with your veterinarian about which brand of food you should purchase, or which raw diet is best for your dog. Your dog's diet is important to meet his nutritional needs and to maintain his overall health. As they are so small, you don't need a lot of food to fill them up!

We promote a diet that is grain free, low in carbohydrates and without any harmful e-numbers, colours and preservatives. Carbohydrates do add energy that the dog needs to burn off and can make an already hyperactive dog more active.

The right diet, grain free and filled with fruits, vegetables and raw meat will have advantages to how your dog will feel, look and act.

If you want to understand why grains can make a dog more energetic, you only need to think of racehorses and how their trainers give them grain to get highly energetic racehorses. Energy in, equals energy out.

Bark Busters dog trainers are not vets or dietitians, so we urge you to do your own research into the best diet for your dog. A diet that you will be comfortable with.

We do however have vast experience of how highly concentrated grain diets effect behaviour and can cause hyperactivity. This is very prominent in Japan, where most dogs are fed high levels of rice in their diet which can adversely affect concentration and focus.

Safety - through leadership and education

All dogs need strong leadership and to know where they fit into the family unit. If they know they have a leader that will make all the decisions, one who is fair and just, they will be happy and content.

On the other hand, if they have no structure in their life, they have inconsistency, and don’t know how things will be from one day to the next, then they will become stressed and may experience health ailments, skin and stomach issues and behaviour problems. Routine and respect must be established. With equal doses of love and structure your dog will feel safe and secure.

Your dog just wants to please you but many times he doesn't know how. If you don't quickly establish yourself as the leader, a Beagle will gladly assume this role and chaos could follow.

Also, don't look to a Beagle to "sound the alarm" as they are not great guard dogs and they will lick the burglar to death! 

Shelter - a place to call their own

Dogs love nothing better than to curl up on the couch or in a place they can call their own, even when there is more than one dog. The Beagle is very sociable, and they will think nothing of all snuggling in together. Provide your dog with its own "den", a place where they can call home, and somewhere they can go to for a bit of peace and quiet. Just make sure their "den" is warm, easy to clean and maintain. 

Entertainment - toys & games

A very important part of your dog's four basic needs is their need to have something to do. If we want to avoid our pets becoming bored and destructive, then they need a way to fill their day.

Dogs thrive with physical and mental exercise. Dogs are highly intelligent animals, and they need to keep their brains active as much as their bodies. Entertainment is an important part of their well-being and essential to your dog's overall mental health.

One great toy is the Bark Busters GameChanger® which helps to prevent boredom, stress, and separation anxiety. By filling it with small treats, your dog will have plenty of fun trying to get the treats to dispense. 

Bark Busters GameChanger

Games to Play

Hide the treat - As Beagles have such a powerful sense of smell, pet parents can appeal to this with some fun games. We need to find ways to keep them entertained so they don't get bored and cause any destruction.

Hide the kibble. This game can be played indoors or outdoors. Put your Beagle in another room so they can't see you. Hide some kibble where your dog can't easily spot the food. Like an Easter egg hunt, see how many small portions they find. Beagles have often been used at airports to find contraband or drugs in luggage. You can simulate this with cardboard boxes. Hide some strongly scented food in a cardboard box, then mix the cardboard box up with other cardboard boxes. Praise your Beagle when they find the right box.

’Tug of War’ is okay, and playing ball is good, provided your dog is not the type that gets fixated on the ball and refuses to stop playing when requested. Hide and seek is a great game too. These are games where you hide things from your dog, toys or a tennis ball and then encourage them to find the items. You can increase the degree of difficulty as your dog gets better at the game.

Start out where your dog sees you hide the toy, then repeat over and over like 'Find or Seek'.

Remember to give a lot of praise when they find it. These type of games are more calming than those type of games that encourage your dog to become over-excited.

Child’s Play

Beagles are great family dogs but they do need to be controlled around children or they might hurt them with their overexcitment. They do learn quickly, so spend time educating them on what is good and what is not. If you are patient and understanding of their capabilities, you will be able to enjoy many great times, as a family, with your dog.

Never leave any dog alone with children regardless of the breed, size or personality.
Interactive Toys

Bark Busters has the ultimate toy for all dogs that provides dogs with several options. The GameChanger® by Bark Busters is an interactive puzzle toy that delivers a treat. It's a chew toy, that they can carry around and take to their bed. They can't rip it apart like many other toys. It's a workout toy, that they flip over with their nose and scratch it with their paws. The GameChanger® comes in four vibrant colours and will give your dog lots of fun and mental stimulation.

Bark Busters Game Changer

The Beagle is a breed that loves its food. It will love this toy and it will give your dog hours of endless fun while it works out the puzzle and how to get the treats out.

Overweight dogs can be fed out of this toy too. It provides much needed exercise while the dog gets the meal in a timely manner.

See the GameChanger® in action! It is made from Flexa-Pure, a soft but sturdy, durable non-toxic BPA-free polyurethane material. If your dog tosses it around your hardwood floors, it's even quiet!

"First toy she has not chewed apart immediately and it has kept her busy!" Robin

Dog Parks

Beagle at the dog park

With today's dog owners having such busy lifestyles, more and more dog owners are turning to dog parks as a way of socialising and exercising their dogs. While this is great fun for most dogs and dog owners, not every dog will do well in this environment.

A breed like the Beagle needs to be socialised with dogs of similar size and energy levels or they could become fearful of other dogs, especially those larger than themselves, which could lead to 'dog aggression'.

Some high energy large breeds have little or no regard for little shy or reserved dogs and will think nothing about bowling them over and showing them who is boss of the doggie park.

If your dog doesn't enjoy this type of rough and tumble, or is traumatised by it, then you might have an issue the next time you try to visit the park.

The best way to prevent this behaviour is to see if there is an option at your dog park to match size, and possibly personality, away from the boisterous dogs. If that is not possible, try visiting the dog park in off peak hours and practice gaining focus from your dog before you allow them to run off and play.

Bark Busters Lifetime Support Guarantee

Bark Busters dog behaviour therapists and trainers have trained more than 1 Million dogs worldwide and are renowned authorities in addressing dog behaviour with all-natural, dog-friendly methods. The Bark Busters training is the only service of its kind to provide International dog training guaranteed lifetime support. With hundreds of trainers around the world, Bark Busters continues its mission to enhance the human/canine relationship and to reduce the possibility of maltreatment, abandonment and euthanasia. Contact your local Bark Busters dog trainer to see how they can help.

This article is the copyright of Bark Busters® and is intended for information purposes only. Dog owners should fully research any problems that they may have with their dogs.