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A true hero of dog breeds, the Husky used to race across the rugged tundras of Alaska delivering life-saving medicine to remote areas. Today, this breed still glides gracefully across ice, and loves the cold!

Physical Characteristics

Standing Husky

Average Height: 53 to 59 cms (male); 50 to 55 cms (female).

Average Weight: 20 to 27 kgs (male); 15 to 22 kgs (female).

Average Life Span: 12 years.

The Siberian Husky, often called a Husky or Sibe, is a medium sized dog. They are less burly than their cousin the Alaskan Malamute and easier to train. The Husky has a wild, wolf-like appearance with a muscular body. You may often see a white and black, or red and white pattern on its head. The ears are shaped like triangles and eyes can be either a gorgeous blue and brown or a combination of each. Their small ears are designed to maintain body heat, unlike the large ears of the Chihuahua, which are designed for cooling.

Huskies like to dig! A Husky's feet often function as snowshoes and the hair between their toes keep their paws toasty. Their claws make it easier to dig through ice and snow and burrow themselves into a hole to stay warm. Huskies can curl up in the snow to sleep and still survive.

The Husky tail points downward when they are relaxed and curls up when they are on the move. Their whiskers are especially sensitive which come in handy when they are hunting at night.


The Siberian Husky were used by the Chukchi Eskimos of Northeastern Asia to haul long distance loads over rough terrain. The Chukchi lived inland and needed to get to the sea to hunt and be able to haul back a sled full of walrus meat. Huskies were ideal sled dogs. They were also known for herding reindeer.

Originally named the Alaskan Husky, their name was changed to the Siberian Husky as a salute to their originating country, Siberia, Russia.

Some historians believe the breed could be around 27,000 years old, as suggested by DNA from the ancient bones of an Arctic Wolf.

It earned recognition by the American Kennel Club in 1930, and later in the United Kingdom, Europe, New Zealand and Australia.

From near obscurity in the 1980s, the Siberian Husky has had a meteoric rise in popularity in Australia and New Zealand, United Kingdom and many other countries.

Personality and Temperament

Siberian Husky

If you are looking for a guard dog, a Husky would not be a good choice as they love people too much! They might tell you a stranger is lurking about, but they have no concept of protecting you. In fact, they may lick a burglar to death. Nor are they 'one person' dogs. However, if you want a dog that looks stunning, is outgoing, sensitive, mischievous, and great with children, the Husky is your breed!

Although Huskies can look intimidating and their Arctic temperament makes them determined and self-sufficient, they are extremely sensitive. They are the original Houdini dog and can dig under a fence faster than you can fill the holes, and over the fence quicker than you can catch them. In fact, the average fence won’t even stop them. They can leap over gates and escape from leads and collars if not trained properly. As they are prone to escape and wandering, they need to be microchipped and wear a collar with an ID tag, at all times.

Huskies are highly intelligent but not needy. They are territorial but not aggressive. Be careful of cats and smaller pets because the prey instinct is ingrained in a Husky. They can be trained as great therapy dogs, as they can detect a drop in blood sugar, or the beginning of a seizure in humans.


Husky Socialisation

Think of the "energizer bunny" and that's a Husky! This breed wants to be by your side all the time. Huskies don't like to be left alone, so pet parents need to be wary of separation anxiety and destruction when you're not there. Huskies are not content to snooze by your side on the couch and want to be out and about among other people and other dogs. If you're thinking of leaving them outdoors by themselves for hours at a time, expect to come home to a crater in your garden!

They will get along well with other dogs, but early socialisation is very important. Why? so your dog gets used to new people, new things and new places, and doesn't develop any fears that turn into phobias. They need to develop pleasant associations, such as knowing that going to the park is fun! It's also important to take them to the vet early as a puppy, so they aren't frightened by the experience in later life.


Huskies are double coated, with a top coat that is straight and a bottom coat that is thick. They shed all year-round, so they need to be brushed weekly. In Spring and Autumn, their undercoat sheds known as "blowing their coat". A lint brush, coat rake, and vacuum are a must have if you own a Husky! Fastidiously clean and with little body odour, their coat can keep them warm in temperatures as low as -50°C.

Huskies have great teeth, so if you brush them twice a week your Husky will have pearly whites for life.

Husky Winter

Breed Traits

More known as sled dogs, today Huskies are great family pets and companions. With a great sense of humour, the Husky will keep you laughing with their antics. At the same time, their energy requires these dogs to be well exercised daily or there is a strong potential for digging and destructive behaviour.

Husky Sledge

Unique Traits:
  • Intelligent, affectionate, mischievous
  • Great with kids
  • Great with other dogs
  • Happy-go-lucky and even-tempered
  • Always on the go
  • Innate desire to work
  • Adapts easily to new environments
  • Stubborn
Did you know:

The Disney movie "Eight Below" is based on the true story of the 1957 Japanese expedition to the South Pole and stars six Husky dogs.

The colour of a Husky's nose reflects the colour of their coat. If the dog is black, brown and grey, the nose is black. White Husky dogs have a flesh-coloured nose and copper coloured Husky dogs have a liver-coloured nose.

In colder climates, Huskies shed less of their coat than they do in warmer climates.

Husky howls can be heard up to 16 kilometres away, and pet parents swear they can "talk".

The indigenous Chukchi people used Huskies versus nannies to watch their children.

Huskies have a "snow nose" which appears is winter and goes away in the summer.

When they sleep their tails touch their noses, which is known as "the Swirl".

In the story of the Husky, there will be no appendix, as this bred doesn't have one!

Huskies have been banned from Antarctica since 1994 due to fears they could bring canine distemper to the seal population.

Socialisation & Behaviour

Socialisation is a major component to the overall wellness of a dog. It is best to start socialising your dog at 8 to 12 weeks, young enough to be eager to learn but old enough to understand expectations. Puppies are like sponges and the more POSITIVE experiences they have in this time the more pleasant associations they develop.

Husky Socialisation

Poorly socialised dogs can pose a threat to healthy, well-balanced dogs. Dogs who lack social skills are often afraid of new situations. If they become fearful, they can become aggressive and potentially bite in response to fear.

Well socialised dogs are less afraid and less stressed. They also have learned appropriate behaviour in certain situations, for example being gentle around children. They get more exercise as they are more often in public, and the bottom line is that a more socialised dog is more well-rounded and confident dog.

Tips for socialising your dog

Be a strong leader. Communicate with your dog and show leadership in every situation. Don't let your dog make the decisions as they will often get it wrong.

Start slow and move forward with patience in new situations. It is important not to overwhelm your dog.

Introduce your dog to other well-behaved dogs! Choose dogs you know who are already socialised and well-behaved such as friends and family's dogs.

Reward your dog with lots of praise when they follow your commands.

Remember that physical punishment leads to aggression. NEVER hit your dog or use overly harsh techniques.

Spay / neuter your dog to prevent some undesirable behaviours such as aggression, marking, etc.

Never force your dog to socialise. Simply exposing your dog to positive situations is a great start. When you force your dog into an uncomfortable situation it may cause your dog to become territorial or aggressive, the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. For example, not every dog likes to go to the dog park. In fact, dog parks can be dangerous places with a lot of unknown factors including aggressive dogs and poorly trained pets, potentially putting your dog in a precarious situation.

Bark Busters recommends that if your dog is fearful or shy of other dogs, you should avoid dog parks until your dog is at least 12 months of age. Our research has shown that 'dog aggression' can stem from taking a shy, frightened dog or puppy to a dog park where other more confident, mature dogs intimidate them.

This causes the inexperienced puppy or adolescent to learn a bad lesson, which is, unless you get in first and dominate other dogs, they will dominate you.

Socialisation Husky

Dogs are 'pack animals', but dog parks are not a consistent pack. When a dog pack in naturally formed it is done over time and an understanding of bond within the pack. Dog parks have transient packs with no bonding or understanding. This may cause stress for a less confident, shy, or fearful young / adolescent dog.

Dogs learn from other dogs. Unfortunately, Bark Busters trainers see many dogs who develop fears simply from watching other dogs. For example, a client's dog called Sheila developed a fear of men after regularly watching her neighbour's dog's response to men. Petey learned to bark at visitors from his older sibling dog, who barked without correction from his pet parent, every time someone knocked at the door or when someone new arrived at the house.

Training Your Husky

Jeff Drier Bark Busters

Jeff Drier, Bark Busters USA Nation Trainer

Siberian Huskies are fascinating dogs on many levels. Although dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years, they do retain lots of their wild ancestors' characteristics, and Huskies probably more than most. They have even retained very wolf-like looks, although their gentle eyes will give them away.

Like wolves, Huskies have a very strong pack drive and many of the Husky owners we've worked with have multiple Huskies. This pack drive gives them a strong need to be included in activities. It also means that the people they live with need to understand and practice strong leadership because if they don't, their dogs will take over and run things their way, which rarely aligns with human thinking. Luckily, understanding and practicing leadership is not a physical endeavour but involves understanding canine psychology and communication.

You may have heard a Husky dog owner state that their dog can "talk." They will readily "voice" their opinions on everything with loud yips and howls. But they are not typically nuisance barkers.

They are also not typically very good "watch dogs." Their sociable nature can make them friendly to everyone, yet they feel very territorial if they perceive a threat. It's their pack mentality coming into play again.

Like wolves, Huskies are athletes. If you are a marathon runner, you won't go wrong if you get a Husky to run with you, although some of these dogs will think the marathon is just the warm-up! These dogs can run all day while pulling many times their own weight. As with human athletes, they need more than physical exercise. They need mental exercise too. They also love to pull, so teaching them to walk with you and not drag you can be a challenge. Remember they are sledge pullers at heart.

Husky Wolf-like

Huskies are smart dogs and love learning, but once they learn something, unless they view you as a strong leader, they may not do what you want them to do. They can be stubborn and frustrating in that regard, so patience and determination will be required. Be creative in finding things that hold their interest, other than just running, which is their first love. Speaking of running, if there are young children around who leave the doors open, a Husky will escape and take off sprinting. Did I mention that Huskies love to run?

Huskies are definitely NOT the breed for people with allergies, because no matter how much you brush them, dust and dander will keep flying out.

You will also need a bucket or towel by the door. Huskies, like wolves, like to burrow. They will dig holes, mainly to curl up in. Their relatives in cold climates do that to maintain their warmth and even in hot climates, they will dig holes when left outside without supervision. Expect worn paths where they run in the garden and holes where they curl up to rest. If you are an avid gardener, expect help from your Husky although it might not be the kind of help you want.

The Husky's close relation to their wild cousins can make it challenging for them to become part of your family. Often these troublemakers are really seeking good leadership. If they don't find it in the humans they live with, they do try to take that role on themselves. Understanding the dynamics of their pack is crucial to having calm, happy Huskies. They are wonderful dogs, but they are not for everyone. Bark Busters' trainers can help you understand these wonderful dogs and teach you how to become the leader of your pack without drama. It is well worth the effort.

Behaviour Problems

A Husky may not be the best choice for a first-time dog owner.

The phrase "obedient Siberian Husky" is something of an oxymoron. Too many Huskies end up in shelters and rescue centres because their pet parents choose them for their classic looks and aren't ready for their challenging nature. Sometimes referred to as "canine divas", Huskies will often ignore your commands unless you learn to speak their language. 

You will need strong leadership, or you might well find that your Husky has you trained, and it won't be long before they have you doing handstands on command.

Husky Handstand

The Husky typically doesn't respond well to punishment and are not easily bribed with treats. Instead, being a strong leader and providing, structure, routine and good communication using voice tones and body language is a must. This is how Bark Busters produces such awesome training results; we "speak dog". Bark Busters trainers love working with Huskies as they are highly intelligent and loving, if you understand their needs.

One of the behaviour problems we encounter with this breed is escaping. They won't stick around if they see an opportunity to bolt. This stems from their need to belong to a strong pack. As a pet parent, if you don't provide leadership, they might look elsewhere.

Also, Huskies can have barking and howling problems, although they howl more than bark thanks to inherited wolf howling behaviour. It's not enough to know that a dog barks or howls, it's important to know 'why'!

Huskies are not as people pleasing as some other breeds and can be known for the following misbehaviours.

  • Escaping
  • Chewing, mouthing, and digging
  • Destroying when bored
  • Howling
  • Difficulty in house training, which requires consistency and patience

Contact your local Bark Busters trainer for more information on help with, and understanding your Husky.

Puppy Selection

Husky Puppy

Adult Huskies can be rambunctious, and their puppies are even more high maintenance. If you are looking for a puppy, whether from a breeder or rescue shelter, there are a number of factors to consider:

Look for a reputable Husky breeder. A reputable breeder will talk to you about temperament, health clearances and genetics of mother and father. Be wary of breeders who are more interested in taking your money, who always have puppies available, who have multiple litters on site, and whose living conditions for the puppies is unclean. Ask for referrals from other purchasers in the past and from friends, family, local pet services such as groomers, dog walkers etc. Your veterinarian is a great place to enquire about a reliable caring breeder.

It is generally an untrue statement that shelter animals have more baggage. Too often, dogs are surrendered through no fault of their own. The number one reason dogs are abandoned is because of misbehaviours that could easily be corrected through the correct dog training methods, such as those of Bark Busters.

Some questions to ask at a shelter include:

  • Is this Husky...
  • Good around children and other animals?
  • High energy?
  • Have any known behaviour problems?
  • Toilet trained?
  • Have any known health issues?
  • Eating well?
  • Walks well on a lead?


Other questions include...

  • Why are they at the shelter?
  • Why was the dog surrendered?
  • Has this dog been adopted before?
  • Does this dog require any ongoing medical care?

Husky Puppies

Before you decide on a puppy, ask yourself if you would be better off with an adult Husky that is lower maintenance and lower energy. Puppies are fun, but they are also a lot of work.

Whether you opt for a puppy or adult, make sure you take your dog to the vet soon after adoption to identify and prevent any problems.

Here are some guidelines for selecting a puppy.

Choose one that...

  • Displays no aggression
  • Does not bite your fingers
  • Sits calmly in your lap
  • Does not bark at you
  • Does not initially run away from you
  • Looks healthy, with clear eyes and a glossy coat
  • After observing the puppy in its surroundings, do they seems to fit your personality and lifestyle, including matching your family's energy levels.

Four Basic Needs

Husky Feeding

Your Husky is very dependent on you to fill their four basic needs:


Bark Busters advise all dog owners to conduct their own research into the best diet for your Husky. Many unwanted behaviours can be attributed to poor nutrition and a diet lacking in all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Just like we wouldn't load up a toddler on sugar, we shouldn't do this with our dogs too. Many dog foods have high carbohydrates / sugars and E-Numbers too. This can have an adverse reaction to your dog's behaviour. Do some research and to ensure your dog gets a healthy balanced diet including protein and minerals. Remember too that your dog's nutritional needs will vary greatly as they go from being a puppy to a senior dog.

Safe Space

Every dog needs its own "den", a space just for your dog to be calm and away from everyone. This doesn't mean your dog doesn't love you. Dogs need down time too!


Your dog needs to know that you are in control of all situations, so they don't have to be. Dogs are pack animals and if you don't assume the role of a leader, they will, but they will undoubtedly get it wrong.


Huskies have high energy levels and needs lots of exercise. According to PetMD healthy Huskies need the equivalent of four to eight kilometres of exercise, four to five times a week. Exercise will help your Husky maintain strong and healthy bones, a healthy heart, and proper growth. However, don't forget about the 'mental exercise' and find ways to stretch your Huskies intellect daily, Simple training exercises can do the trick as well as brain training and educational toys such as the Bark Busters GameChanger®.

Games to Play

Running at speeds of up to 45 kph, it's hard to get a Husky to slow down. In fact, if you love to bike or jog, a Husky will make a great running mate, especially for going long distances.

Since most of us don't live in the Tundra, many Huskies still enjoy "urban sledding." Urban sledding is a form of mushing and may involve one or more dogs. Activities include carting, sled dog racing, scootering, bikejoring, canicross, pulka, freighting, weight pulling, and other activities. Originally developed to keep sled dogs in shape during the off season, dryland sledding is growing in popularity.

Husky Racing

Husky Bikejoring

Like many dogs, Huskies like to play football, tug-of-war, Frisbee, and fetch. They also like to play with interactive toys such as the Bark Busters GameChanger® which is a rugged durable toy that can provide hours of fun. It challenges your Husky to figure out how to get the treats out of the holes. It satisfies a dog's natural desire to chew by reacting to your dog's bite and reflexing back when your dog bites down on it.

It is designed for mental exercise and stimulation and assists in keeping your Husky's mind engaged for long periods of time. It comes in four vibrant colours and is perfect for all dogs. Also, you don't have to worry that it will withstand a Husky!

GameChanger Dog Toy


Child’s Play

Huskies make great family dogs but they do need to be controlled around children or they might hurt them with their overexcitment. They do learn to be careful, so spend time educating them on what is good and what is not. If you are patient and understanding of their capabilities, you will be able to enjoy many great times, as a family, with your dog.

Husky and Children

Never leave any dog alone with children regardless of the breed, size or personality.

Dog Parks

With today's dog owners having such busy lifestyles, more and more dog owners are turning to dog parks as a way of socialising and exercising their dogs. While this is great fun for most dogs and dog owners, not every dog will do well in this environment.

Breeds like Huskies are high energy and love to run and chase. While this sounds like a perfect match for a dog park, owners must pay close attention to how their dog directs its focus. If your dog is allowed to run wild and herd other dogs, your dog will likely have high levels of adrenaline. If the dog becomes too focused on the wrong target in the dog park, this could quickly turn into a problem. If a dog doesn't enjoy being chased or nipped, they could feel threatened and become agitated. While the Husky is just playing, if the dog being chased feels threatened and turns on them, this could escalate into a fight. As the dogs have no prior relationship and are in a high stress environment, this can easily happen.

The best way to prevent this behaviour is to be sure you have strong voice control over your dog in low, medium and high level distraction environments before attempting to visit a dog park. Try visiting the dog park in off peak hours and practice gaining focus from your dog before you allow them to run off and play.

Husky Dog Parks

Bark Busters Lifetime Support Guarantee

Bark Busters dog behaviour therapists and trainers have trained more than 1 Million dogs worldwide and are renowned authorities in addressing dog behaviour with all-natural, dog-friendly methods. The Bark Busters training is the only service of its kind to provide International dog training guaranteed lifetime support. With hundreds of trainers around the world, Bark Busters continues its mission to enhance the human/canine relationship and to reduce the possibility of maltreatment, abandonment and euthanasia. Contact your local Bark Busters dog trainer to see how they can help.

This article is the copyright of Bark Busters® and is intended for information purposes only. Dog owners should fully research any problems that they may have with their dogs.