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Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials

2nd July 2019 - Liz Johnson

Liz dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling

Well presented' professional but relaxed discussion, very informative. Ongoing training to dogs and owners being carried out, Still to look at aggression from dogs , recall ,chewing etc.

- -.K, Stanley, Durham (Testimonial)

2nd July 2019 - Lee Hardy

Lee dealt with Aggression, Barking, Other

I was a little sceptical as we had tried a few trainers before with are rescue dog troy and lee was are last resort, troy was very nervous around other dogs and would bark and lunge making it hard to walk as he is a big lad. but lee came in and there was a difference straight away had a few visits now and never makes you feel rushed, plenty of phone calls to alter things slightly if needed and troy is still doing great just wish we would have found him a couple of years ago

- -.K, Belper, Derbyshire (Testimonial)

2nd July 2019 - Emma Barrett

Emma dealt with Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling

Absolutely Amazing Emma is an excellent trainer, she explains everything clearly and then demonstrates. I could not believe the progress my dogs have made so soon. I would definitely recommend this service. Thanks Emma

- -.M, Coventry, Warwickshire (Testimonial)

29th June 2019 - Emma Barrett

Emma dealt with Other

I have to try to not sing Emma's praises prematurely, but after 3 hours this afternoon with my rescue 2 year old border collie, Drew will now not only go near the car (after what seemed to be a deep set terror of a car that he might have to get into), but will actually jump into the boot on a simple command, and then he sits there looking extremely proud of himself! He will also sit on command, but that pales into insignificance compared to getting in the car. Emma explained dog psychology to me which I have to say was completely the opposite to everything I had been told previously, (I work in IT and consider myself to be a very logical minded person) and amazingly although everything I had been told before made logical sense, the exact opposite, that Emma explained, also made perfectly logical sense. That in itself has amazed me, as opposite theories shouldn't both make sense at all, but this time they do and I am amazed and so proud of my Drew after such a short time that I shall follow her teachings to the letter! Also, she is a very nice lady with what was obviously a great deal of experience and knowledge, and to achieve these results in a single session is frankly mind-blowing. I, like I am sure most people, thought the price was high, but at less than £20 a month for the year, and the difference it has/will make to both my life and to Drew's, it is the best money I have spent in my short life being a dog owner. As you can probably tell, I can't sing Emma's praises enough.... Thanks Emma

- -.A, BANBURY, Oxfordshire (Testimonial)

28th June 2019 - Shauna Hoey

Shauna dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling

Shauna was brilliant! She listened to our fears and concerns about our dog's behaviour and got straight to work on finding solutions. The results were instant. Buddy's well behaved, we are less stressed about his behaviour and we feel more confident and in control of our lovely little dog.

- -.H, Bognor Regis, West Sussex (Testimonial)

27th June 2019 - Emma Barrett

Emma dealt with Jumping up

I am really pleased with the training after one visit I am happy, Rubie would constantly be playing around my feed with her toys scratching my furniture , wow great result she doesn't do this anymore. Rubie would also jump up visitors this has changed also, can't wait for my next session great work Emma.

- -.J, Coventry, Warwickshire (Testimonial)

25th June 2019 - Emma Barrett

Emma dealt with Barking

The training was really good we are so pleased

- -.P, Atherton, Warwickshire (Testimonial)

24th June 2019 - Sharon Chapman

Sharon dealt with Aggression, Barking, Toileting

I was nervous before Sharon arrived as it is never easy to admit that you need help. Our 3 year old Jack Russell had been showing aggressìn towards other dogs and people coming to house. Sharon stayed with us for 3 hours and in a very calm and  non judgmental way listened to our issues and taught us ways of working with our dog to modify his behaviour using some really simple methods. After just one session I can see he is responsive to the training. Now it requires times and consistency on our part to ensure permanent results. I was amazed at her knowledge and learnt so much from her.

- -.S, Llandudno Junction, Conwy (Testimonial)

24th June 2019 - Emma Barrett

Emma dealt with Barking, Chewing, Pulling, Other

Emma has been fantastic! After our second session with her just two days ago, we have just taken Poppy on a new route and have walked past cats, dogs and people with scary bags and umbrellas without incident and without pulling. This was something we could hardly imagine just two weeks ago when Poppy was leading our pack. Emma listened to everything we had to say and spent all the time we needed talking through the issues and showing us what to do. Emma's methods worked right from day one and made lots of sense. We still have some practicing to do but we are 100% confident that we will succeed.

- -.N, Rugby, Warwickshire (Testimonial)

23rd June 2019 - Gavin Chambers

Gavin dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall

Gavin gave myself and Jack a great start. Gavin is friendly and professional and knowledgeable, even looking into detail of diet etc. Happy to do our homework especially as improvement on day 1 - day 3 now and no more bribery treats during walks and great to walk on a loose lead. Looking forward to Jack getting more sociable around dogs going forward.

- -.Y, Sheffield, South Yorkshire (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Gavin

Thanks for the great review, its great to hear about such great progress so quickly, keep up the good work and consistency and Jack will really start to shine. looking forward to our net session. Gavin

20th June 2019 - Jacquie Callaby

Jacquie dealt with Barking

Very clear instructions given by Jacquie as what to do when Beau barks too much. Lots of other additional advice such as on feeding and trying to de-sensitive Beau from barking at the Dyson, Lawnmowers, joggers and cyclists.

- -.B, Send, Surrey (Testimonial)

20th June 2019 - Lee Hardy

Lee dealt with Jumping up, Pulling

Very pleased with the fast results - straight away they had both stopped pulling and were more controllable. We have been putting into practice Lee's advice and they seem more respectful and responsive to us.

- -.S, Stourbridge, West Midlands (Testimonial)


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