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Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials

12th April 2016 - Lynn Prentice

Lynn dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling

I must admit I was very worried about spending this amount of money on a dog trainer and wondered if it would actually help. But the moment Lynn came into our home she took charge for our two dogs and was quick to let them no who was the pack leader, Lynn quickly identified our dogs issues and opened our eyes to a few things such as our dog Reg we believed to be the confident leader was actually a nervous dog but was our little dog Rolo's minder making us believe he was so confident, as Lynn said our dogs are great people trainers getting us to do what they wanted. Lynn showed us training techniques to use to get our dogs to walk to heal, stop barking at the door an others. I was amazed at how quickly after Lynn showed us these techniques that our dogs actually walked next to me with out pulling my arms off. By using these training techniques our dogs now seem more calmer and now no there place in the family. To top everything off Lynn suggested to change our dogs food from dry food to a raw food diet to help Rolo as she kept chewing on her paws making them soak and sore believing Rolo may have a food allergy, this change its great not only has Rolo not chewed her paws but both dogs poo has reduced massively. I am so glad we chose to used Barkbuster and Lynn is amazing we will continue with the training and look forward to our next lesson.

- -.T, Harlow, Essex (Testimonial)

11th April 2016 - Sharon Chapman

Sharon dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling

We were pleased to see Sharon after struggling with some behaviour from our dog. She has given us a plan of action to start work on straight away with demonstrations and explanations on how and why to do this. This has given us confidence and knowledge to work towards resolving the issues, including jumping up at visitors and barking and lunging towards other dogs in the street. We have overhauled the diet as recommended and look forward to further support as we continue through the program.

- -.C, Wirral, Merseyside (Testimonial)

8th April 2016 - Gina Williams

Gina dealt with Barking, Separation anxiety

Found everything Gina said very interesting. She was very effective with Sammy. As a result of children been on holidays I feel we have been less effective than we should have been with Sammy. Barking issue when people enter our home is going well but making Sammy stay in one place until we call allowing him to enter has been less effective but I do feel that is down to us as a result of us running here and running there. All and all happy with advise and follow up emails. Looking forward to our next meeting in a few weeks. Caroline Edwards

- -.C, Bristol, Somerset (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Gina
At Bark Busters we understand that time can be a factor, especially now that our lives become more busy. This is why the our Support Guarantee works so well. The training progresses at the owners pace. Consistency is the key and by setting aside 15 minutes per day, to concentrate on the boundary work with no distractions, will deliver results. Don't forget loads and loads of praise and encouragement for good behaviour. Sammy is doing really well and I'm looking forward to moving on with his training in the coming weeks. Keep up the good work.

8th April 2016 - Jacquie Callaby

Jacquie dealt with Barking, Separation anxiety

Jackie was so helpful with Tanzi. Learning to talk dog! Tanzi's behaviour after one week has already improved.

- -.J, Guildford, Surrey (Testimonial)

8th April 2016 - Lynn Prentice

Lynn dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall

There has been a great improvement in Rosie's walking which was immediate and she now doesn't pull at all. She does still tends to get a little way ahead and needs to be corrected. The other issues have also improved but at a more gradual rate but still having some problems with recall and she is very easily distracted. Continuing to work hard practising.

- -.I, Harpenden, Hertfordshire (Testimonial)

8th April 2016 - Graham Milgrew

Graham dealt with Aggression

Graham is a very nice person to meet. I absolutely got out of the first session with Graham what I needed. Specific advice regarding Charlie. As well the practice of his advice was fantastic. It was better then I could expect. Really recommend it. Since our first session Charlie has improved 200 %.

- -.M, Wallington, Surrey (Testimonial)

8th April 2016 - Gina Williams

Gina dealt with Aggression, Sibling rivalry

Gina has been giving home training to Tasha & Kes for 2 months now. They have improved so much that we are now walking them side by side (at a safe distance).For the 2 years before meeting with Gina we would not have even considered doing this With the training of us humans on how to get the dogs to focus on the commands we give them, this has become possible. We have gained confidence when handling the dogs outside, and this has led to these exciting changes for both humans and dogs. The boundary training in doors is being continuously re-enforced, and their reactions still remain promising. Both dogs are progressing at different speeds, this is good as they are now treated as individual dogs and not a pair.Gina continues to give advice and encouragement and is now looking at a dietry change to calm down their hyperactivity.She is also very good at picking up the positives and also advises where extra work is needed. Good feedback in the progress (or lack of) is needed as this highlights the good and not so good practices that may have been adopted.Gina gives you the information in a simple manner, which is easy to understand and implement. The progress in Tasha & Kes over the last 2 months has been amazing. Thanks again to Gina for the ongoing advice and encouragement. Regards: Pat and Dave

- -.P, Kingswood, Bristol (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Gina
Tasha & Kes are coming on really well and it's so nice to see them out together, with ongoing training we can hopefully reunite them back together at home soon.

7th April 2016 - Alex Fraser

Alex dealt with Barking, Chewing, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Separation anxiety

I had initially called Bark busters after a complaint from a neighbour about our Beagle's excessive barking. Bella was also suffering from separation anxiety. She was like a whirlwind, getting up to mischief e.g. chewing destroying things constantly, refusing to give items back without treats, jumping on chairs, crying then barking if one of us went out of the room. We had avoided having visitors as we were unable to stop her constant barking. We were all feeling very stressed and out of our depth. Little did we realise our dog was stressed to! I had attended dog/training obedience classes for almost 9 months but stopped recently as I felt that we weren't tackling the behaviour problems. Alex the therapist was just brilliant! He was able to read Bella straight away, explaining why she was demonstrating certain behaviours. Alex stayed with us for almost 3 and half hours, he was patient with us and Bella who responded to him immediately, she even lay at his feet! Alex showed us some very simple but effective techniques to use to improve Bella's behaviour, which would also raise our pack status with Bella. He explained that if we did this dealing with the separation anxiety would be easier. We could see a change in Bella during our first training session. Alex recommended a harness, which has worked wonders on the walk as Beagle's love to sniff everything! Our walks are now a workout for Bella and a pleasure for us all. The change in Bella has been amazing from day 1, she stopped all her destructive and hyperactive behaviour... we now have a dog who is calm and happy and is just behaving like a dog. She listens to us, she doesn't feel the need to bark to get attention, but if she barks we can stopped her very quickly. We can all leave the room and she is not bothered, I can go upstairs and leave the stair gate open. She will take herself off into another room and just busy herself chewing her deer antler (which was also recommended by Alex). She just behaves! It's a miracle! Peace and harmony has come at last! It is like a great weight has been lifted off our shoulders.. we can now really enjoy our furry friend. I would highly recommend Alex, he has given us the knowledge to understand our dog and give her what she really needs. I am sure Bella is thanking him to and saying thank goodness my pack are in charge and I can relax and just be a follower.

- -.A, Radcliffe, Lancashire (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Alex
I was really touched to read this review! This is why I love my job so so much. I am delighted when owners are happy, but I'm more delighted that their dog is no longer stressed about life and they have started to really enjoy life. Really looking forward to catching up with bella in the future.

7th April 2016 - Alex Fraser

Alex dealt with Barking, Digging, Jumping up, Pulling, Puppy management

Very informative training techniques. We are really pleased with how he is doing since the first session.

- -.J, Shaw, Greater Manchester (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Alex
Love puppy jobs and love the follow up sessions so I can see how they develop and turn into well behaved dogs. I'm really looking forward to catching up with them all in a couple of weeks.

5th April 2016 - Angela Young

Remote Training Team dealt with Barking, Chewing, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Puppy management, Recall

24 hours on and Dexter is a much calmer and more obedient dog! He has never been a 'problem' dog, just a typical cocker spaniel puppy whose owners have not been as strict and consistent as we should have been! We contacted Angela as Dexter was becoming a nuisance by barking at the birds in the garden and he constantly pulled in his lead. Despite attending puppy training classes, trying numerous nose and body harnesses, and using an array of techniques found on YouTube, we were getting nowhere and were becoming inconsistent with training and rules. Within minutes or Angela arriving, Dexter was responsive and eager to receive more praise for following instructions. The techniques we were taught are simple and gained immediate results. Angela also gave us further techniques to use if (when!) we don't catch Dexter in time to distract him from barking. Today Dexter has been outside a number of times and each time has stopped barking when told! Any questions we had were welcomed and the advice given regarding food and neutering was excellent and not at all pushy. Angela clearly has a passion for what she does, is extremely knowledgeable, and has confidence in the products she suggests. We had a great, informal evening and we were put at ease immediately. Knowing that Angela will be back in 5 weeks time, and that she is easily contactable, is the support we need to keep Dexter's training consistent and a priority. Well worth investing in, and highly recommended! Thanks Angela!

- -.A, Southport, Merseyside (Testimonial)

5th April 2016 - Angela Young

Remote Training Team dealt with Separation anxiety, Toileting, Other

Angela was very thorough in covering the problems that Monty is having and made both me and Monty feel comfortable throughout our first appointment. Angela gave me more insight into Monty's world and why he behaves the way he does and has given me a good starting point with the training to move forward from (plus plenty of other tips to stop boredom) I'm looking forward to the training and future appointments. I would highly recommend Angela to anyone who's having problems with their dogs, she's a top trainer/dog psychologist with a very warm and welcoming personility.

- -.S, Blackpool, Lancashire (Testimonial)

5th April 2016 - Graham Milgrew

Graham dealt with Aggression, Barking, Hyperactivity, Pulling, Recall, Sibling rivalry, Other

My family and I were finding it very difficult to manage the living situation with my Dog, Drama, and my Mum's cat. Also Drama was misbehaving a lot of the time. After Jo came to our rescue she taught us invaluable information that we have been using every day since. She stayed with us for around 4 hours and gave us in depth knowledge on our situation and it turned out that Drama was actually very stressed and it wasn't his fault he was playing up, he was just trying to do the right thing for his family, but we weren't aware! So after all the help Jo gave us, we now have a much happier household. Drama's behaviour has changed considerably after following her training guides. He listens to me and doesn't pull so much when we are out on walks. He has seemed to have calmed down a little around the cat but that will be a working progress as the cat has has own territorial issues. I would recommend Bark Busters as they have the know how and technique that we pet owners generally don't have. Drama's happiness is incredibly important to me and I'm so glad I got him the help he needed to teach me how to give him a better homelife.

- -.A, Grays, Essex (Testimonial)


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