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Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials

22nd October 2015 - Graham Milgrew

Graham dealt with Chewing, Puppy management

Absolutely fantastic, money well spent. Jo and Graham are very supportive, understanding and professional. Within a week our puppy stopped chewing and biting we could not have got through this without their support. It's like we have a different dog, and we now regard Jo and Graham as friends. We know that phoning/texting anytime is no problem, they are always willing to help and are always welcome to drop in anytime they are in the area. They are both a real asset to your company and we would recommend them without hesitation, we are truly grateful.

- -.B, dagenham, Essex (Testimonial)

21st October 2015 - Estelle Jackson

Estelle dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Separation anxiety

Excellent advice given by esteelle. Showed us what techniques to use towards our dog. We saw a result the following day. Got a way to go yet but we are confident our dog and us will reach our goal

- -.L, Ollerton, Nottinghamshire (Testimonial)

20th October 2015 - Lee Hardy

Lee dealt with Separation anxiety

Lee was absolutely excellent. He quickly assessed the problem (separation anxiety) and has given us techniques to address the problem which both made sense to us and we were clear on how to implement. We have been struggling with the separation anxiety for over 18 months. We started the training immediately and it definitely working! We are extremely grateful and would absolutely recommend Lee and his techniques.

- -.E, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire (Testimonial)

20th October 2015 - Jacquie Callaby

Jacquie dealt with Chewing, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Recall

The Bark Busters set up works well and has encouraged us to make some changes to things we weren't particularly worried about, but that we can now see a better way of dealing with. Jacquie is very professional and gave us some good advice. It is too early to comment on how successful the new training regime will be, as we are only 10 days in, but we have high hopes for it and are sure it will have a positive impact.

- -.J, Medstead, Hampshire (Testimonial)

19th October 2015 - Lee Hardy

Lee dealt with Aggression, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Puppy management, Sibling rivalry

Lee was very helpful and gave us a good understanding of the techniques to use.

- -.P, derby, Derbyshire (Testimonial)

17th October 2015 - Angela Young

Remote Training Team dealt with Pulling, Puppy management, Recall, Sibling rivalry, Toileting

As a previous dog trainer, walker and dog boarder, and having had all but 2 of my seven dogs (all rescues and owned at the same time) as PAT dogs (Pet as Therapy Dogs) I prided myself on having friendly well behaved dogs. Last year I moved onto a narrowboat at Garstang and am now the proud owner of a Miniature English bull terrier (now 13 months old) and 2 mini bulldogs (10 months old & 12 weeks old). The training the older ones had was failing as testosterone came into play. The sheer strength of the two young dogs meant I had to get back into control NOW - or I could be in real trouble. I was too close to my new dogs to see what needed to be done - Angela, bless her heart not knowing she was coming onto a boat took all this in her stride and we worked out how to get over the usual doorway issues (i.e. mum going first) when exiting onto a narrow jetty. I was also really surprised at how quickly my dogs learnt the techniques (from just a few goes on initial visit). I have reclaimed my bed (although I miss my cuddles and warmers) and also my bathroom space - which on a boat is luxury. All in the space of one session. Consistency is the key and I would say to anyone who employs Angela or any other trainer - if you aren't prepared to put in, then don't expect to get anything out. Angela stayed with me for over five hours (and we still did not cover all the issues) but she left me with enough home training work to last for a month, but applying the standard techniques have worked on far more issues than I could previously have hoped for. I am only into a couple of days worth of training but already I can see a difference. Even on the first session when Angela fitted a harness to Jasper (Bull terrier) and a collar to Luca (10 month bulldog - as he could not get off the boat with the harness on and refused to walk). I said to Angela that I would train them separately as they all required different training elements, however I decided to put the harness and collar on them every time we went out to get them used to them. WOW what a difference, there was no pulling at all. Even on the first night of training people commented that I wasn't being pulled all over the place. Whilst they made fun of me - saying that I needed training (which is true, you train the owner to make a good dog; you do not train the dog). The next morning on the marina all the dogs were in their harnesses and there is a lot of noise as they copied Angela's techniques. No-one is above learning new techniques (even a previous trainer) and I am not ashamed to say that Angela showed me where I had got to close to see and resolve any problems. Angela - thank you, thank you, thank you; and sorry for the lock-in issue. I would rate Angela 10 out of 10 even from the first contact - nothing phased her and I have since updated her on my progress - even 2 days. The tools you get and the follow-up (when and if you need it) is brilliant. The only comment I would say is please don't waste your money or their time. If you want a good dog - put in the training they give you. Angela >>>>>>>huge 10 from me. To any-one else who has Angela:- Good Choice You are in good hands. I hope this review goes online; as I am sure that there will be very few reviews from boat owners, let alone previous dog trainers etc. P.S. I love the extra WaggTagg service as well. Kindest Regards and Thanks and looking forward to next visit. SALLY, JASPER, LUCA & BESSIE xxx

- -.S, Garstang, Lancashire (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Remote Training Team
Well there are certainly no two days the same in the life of a dog trainer! It was a great experience working with my client and her 3 beautiful babies on her narrow boat. We did need to be imaginative to work around the layout of the boat, but it was great fun, the dogs took to the training like ducks to water! It was lovely to see them responding so quickly and I believe they are continuing to improve. Even now, with the instruction from their lovely owner, resisting reacting to the knocking of the swans on the window! Keep up the great work, thanks for choosing me as your trainer and I look forward to our next appointment.

15th October 2015 - Estelle Jackson

Estelle dealt with Aggression, Barking, Pulling, Recall

Had a really good session, Estelle took time to assess Roxie and gave very good advice which is working around the home. But I do realise there is no quick fix and it's down to us to put the effort in to help Roxie be the great dog we know is in there, and we'll not do it without the help and advice from Estelle. We did have 'help' from another dog trainer but we didn't agree on training methods - Bark Buster's way makes sense and is working

- -.S, codnor, Derbyshire (Testimonial)

14th October 2015 - Angela Young

Remote Training Team dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Other

When Angela had been for our first session I felt encouraged that all was not lost with Wilf. She explained about how Wilf was probably feeling, and thinking he had to take responsibility for all of us. We had to take back leadership! We all have to be consistent with his handling. I am concentrating on his attentiveness as previously he wouldn't take any notice of us when on the lead. He was in charge! Today I felt encouraged when following Angela's demonstrations and persevering for the full 10 minutes Wilf was actually following me around the garden and watching where I was going, not trying to shoot out the back gate as he always has done. We still have a long way to go but I am more hopeful now that we may be able to enjoy taking our dog for a walk finally!

- -.M, Kirkham, Lancashire (Testimonial)

13th October 2015 - Alex Fraser

Alex dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up, Pulling

I was really really impressed with Alex's training. My dogs were a handful, always barking, going after other dogs and generally disobedient. After just one session with Alex, they are totally different dogs! They are such a joy to walk now. I'm not stressed and they aren't stressed, everyone enjoys it. So, Alex thank you so so much. You have been a god send! I would recommend Alex to anyone who needs help.

- -.C, Manchester, Lancashire (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Alex
I love jobs which involve little dogs that bark a lot, and this job was no exception. When I arrived both dogs barked and barked. After we had finished doing some exercises around the home we took them both out for a walk and I was warned about how they both barked everybody and everything. However, due to the fact that both dogs were now listening to their owner we had a very enjoyable and peaceful walk. The dogs just needed to see their owner as in charge of their pack. Another great result. Happy dogs and happy owner!!

13th October 2015 - Graham Milgrew

Graham dealt with Aggression

Jo was amazing she spent time listening to our concerns about the dogs there was no blaming accepting that each of us are individuals in caring for our dogs and as such our training plan was specifically aimed at our needs .I have to say once she explained where the disruptive behaviour came from it made it so easy for us to see why we had a problem .An excellent outcome to what had been a very worrying situation .I would have no hesitation in recommending Jo she has been a god send

- -.T, London (Testimonial)

12th October 2015 - Lynn Prentice

Lynn dealt with Pulling, Other

We had our lesson only a week ago, and so naturally expect there to be ongoing improvements, but currently we are extremely pleased with the methods we have learnt, that are proving extremely effective. There is a clear change, and we are enjoying very much working with Phoebe on this.

- -.C, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire (Testimonial)

11th October 2015 - Neil Price

Neil dealt with Barking

Initial visit went well. Neil gave us some homework to continue throughout the week until his next visit. Looking forward to next time.

- -.G, Liverpool, Merseyside (Testimonial)


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