Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
21st October 2018 - Lynn Prentice
Lynn dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling
21st October 2018 - Neil Price
Neil dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up, Pulling
21st October 2018 - Gavin Chambers
Gavin dealt with Aggression, Chewing, Pulling, Separation anxiety
20th October 2018 - Lee Hardy
Lee dealt with Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Recall
19th October 2018 - Gina Williams
Gina dealt with Aggression, Chewing, Digging, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Puppy management, Sibling rivalry
19th October 2018 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Chewing, Digging, Jumping up, Puppy management, Toileting
Teddy is a wonderfully bright little Shih Tzu who had been taken to puppy training and had done very well, but his very brightness meant that he recognised if someone did something slightly different and as far as he was concerned it was "I don't do that". Dogs literally learn what we teach them and are not very good at generalising so if you teach them to sit with a hand action and/or with a treat they will often not do the command without the hand action/ treat. This leads a lot of owners to say "my dog won't do it without a treat" which is not entirely correct. It is just because that was the way they were taught originally.. Once owners know this is how a dog thinks they can then help their dog get it right and lots of training problems can be solved quickly. Â
17th October 2018 - Neil Price
Neil dealt with Barking, Digging, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall
16th October 2018 - Lee Hardy
Lee dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Recall
15th October 2018 - Ben Jordan
Ben dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling
10th October 2018 - Lynn Prentice
Lynn dealt with Jumping up, Recall, Sibling rivalry, Other
8th October 2018 - Shauna Hoey
Shauna dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling
8th October 2018 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Separation anxiety
Daisy is a lovely little dog who they have rescued but she is extremely nervous and struggles when people enter her home or when she goes out on a walk. When I start a session I never know how much we will be able to get through, as it really does depend on how envoys or stressed a dog is. The first session went really well and we achieved more than I initially expected. I can’t wait to catch up with them all in a few weeks.