Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
17th July 2018 - Lynn Prentice
Lynn dealt with Barking, Separation anxiety
16th July 2018 - Angela Young
Remote Training Team dealt with Chewing, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Puppy management
Thanks very much for your review. You are wonderful, committed owners and yours is the perfect home for handsome Chester. I look forward to seeing you again soon and seeing his progress.
15th July 2018 - Gina Williams
Gina dealt with Jumping up, Puppy management, Other
15th July 2018 - Estelle Jackson
Estelle dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Other
14th July 2018 - Estelle Jackson
Estelle dealt with Aggression, Jumping up, Pulling
14th July 2018 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up, Other
When I first meet a family and their dog or dogs, I can generally work out whether or not it’s going to be a quick fix or a slow burner. In the case of dogs who feel it is their job to keep the family safe, we can’t always resolve the behavioural issues within 3 hours, but we can start to restructure their pack. Follow up sessions are often essential in order to review the training methods which continue to evolve until we get the desired results. Looking forward to catching up with Rocky and his family in the future.
12th July 2018 - Lee Hardy
Lee dealt with Barking, Puppy management, Recall, Toileting
10th July 2018 - Gavin Chambers
Gavin dealt with Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Separation anxiety
9th July 2018 - Lee Hardy
Lee dealt with Jumping up
6th July 2018 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Hyperactivity, Puppy management, Recall, Toileting
4th July 2018 - Gavin Chambers
Gavin dealt with Jumping up, Pulling
Always great to see positive results and a happy dog who walks so nicely with you now. Gavin.
4th July 2018 - Angela Young
Remote Training Team dealt with Other