Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
11th October 2015 - Neil Price
Neil dealt with Barking
11th October 2015 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Aggression, Barking, Pulling, Puppy management
11th October 2015 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Aggression, Barking, Pulling, Puppy management
7th October 2015 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Hyperactivity, Jumping up
Ted is a young Staffi, and boy was he a lively young dog. He used to have a habit of jumping up at people who entered his home and could easily remove somebody's glasses from their face or break a necklace. He certainly wasn't aggressive, but he could unnerve people with his jumping, and he had also start to bite people's clothing. Ted's Mum really was in need of some training but more importantly Ted needed a change of diet. Although the food he had been on for the past 12 months was a well known popular brand - it certainly wasn't doing him any favours!! Anyway, I am absolutely delighted in how much calmer Ted is, especially when he has visitors. No more jumping or mouthing and no more being shut away in other rooms. Well done to both Ted and his Mum. Keep up the good work!
7th October 2015 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Pulling, Puppy management, Recall, Toileting
I always enjoy working with puppy's and their owners - especially first time owners as they are always keen to learn! Peppa is doing really well and her family have worked really hard to ensure she grows up to become a well behaved young lady. Although my work is almost done with Peppa, I would be happy to catch up with her in the future just to say hello and go for a nice walk.
7th October 2015 - Jacquie Callaby
Jacquie dealt with Barking, Pulling, Toileting
6th October 2015 - Lee Hardy
Lee dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up
3rd October 2015 - Andy Waterhouse
Andy dealt with Chewing, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall
1st October 2015 - Jacquie Callaby
Jacquie dealt with Barking, Pulling, Other
30th September 2015 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Aggression, Pulling, Other
30th September 2015 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Jumping up, Pulling, Recall
29th September 2015 - Angela Young
Remote Training Team dealt with Puppy management
It was lovely to work with the Bedlington Terrier puppies, who are very bright and full of fun. Their owners wanted to start off with them on the right track as they want their new pups to fit in with their family without any behavioural issues. The boys are very quick learners and their lovely Mum did a great job on their first puppy management session. I'm sure they will make great progress over the coming weeks and I'm looking forward to my next visit. Thanks for choosing Bark Busters to help you train your puppies.