Reviews & Testimonials For Graham Milgrew
Back to Trainer2nd March 2018 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Aggression, Barking
14th February 2018 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Separation anxiety
5th February 2018 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Puppy management
25th January 2018 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Chewing, Jumping up, Puppy management, Toileting, Other
These owners had a dog previously that was dog and people aggressive. They stayed in touch with the breeder so knew that rest of the litter had been put to sleep for both health and behavioural issues plus their own dog died young from health issues as well. They loved their dog and kept him despite lots of criticism and did their best in very difficult circumstances. As a result they have actually become very skilled dog owners and have done a fabulous job with their French Bulldog puppy. He is great with children, people and other dogs and is very quick to learn. He is a credit to them and their hard learned dog skills.
24th January 2018 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Puppy management, Recall, Toileting
When I first saw Bruno he was 7kgs and when I saw the family again less then 2 months later he had grown to 25kg. Keeping up with feeding is really important for fast growing breeds and his owner has stayed in touch as she was getting conflicting advice from people who did not understand how to deal with giant breeds. Bruno is coming on in leaps and bounds. His training is going really well. His owners always keep in mind that he may be big but he still is a puppy so give him the right guidance when he shows wariness and encourage him at all times.
24th January 2018 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Jumping up, Pulling, Other
This owner has a beautiful Chocolate Labrador that is particularly large for his breed. He was pulling his owner heavily on walks which made it almost impossible for her to walk him. He was also jumping at the grandchildren and trying to be "one of the gang" without realising his own size and strength. He needed to learn good manners and proper walking discipline. The owner and her son are well on their way to achieving this and getting a well behaved dog.
23rd January 2018 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Aggression, Barking
Maurice is a 3 year old French Bulldog and has become increasingly anxious over time walking on the lead with certain people who approach him. When worried he will lurch towards the person barking. He was generally very friendly in the cafe, but would also very occasionally bark at certain people. This was very worrying for his owner as she was not sure why he was behaving in this manner, especially as he had been very well socialised as a puppy. He is also very popular at the cafe with many people coming in specifically to see him. We do not always have the answer as to why a dog becomes anxious, but the key to reducing a dogs fears and anxiety is for the owner to take charge and gets the dogs focus. This is not quick as you are reprogramming a dog to look to the owner for guidance. In Maurice's case, he was very relieved for his owner to take the lead and give him clear instructions.
14th January 2018 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Aggression, Barking, Pulling, Recall, Separation anxiety
These owners took on a very fearful 7 year old rescue Brittany Spaniel. Toby could not cope around other dogs and would try to drive them away by barking and would nip them if they came too close. This made walks very stressful. There is no quick fix for this and his owners have been diligently working with him building his confidence by practicing training techniques every day. The change has been remarkable. Toby has gone for a dog that could not be trusted to behave around other dogs to a dog that can run off lead and enjoy life. His owners have now taken on another rescue dog and both dogs live very happily alongside each other. Toby is not perfect and he needs keeping an eye on, but his owners can now enjoy their dog.
5th December 2017 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall
Jasper is 4 year old Bichon Frieze who was rescued as a puppy from a Dumpster in New York City. This delightful little dog has been overwhelmed by his move to the UK and having a new home. He has never shared a home with another animal and the owners were finding it hard to introduce him to Bardo the cat. Once I had explained how to communicate with Jasper the introduction went quite smoothly and Japer and Bardo are now coming to terms with each other.
29th November 2017 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Aggression, Jumping up, Separation anxiety, Other
Buddy was a "pound dog" who was picked up off the street and rehomed by a rescue once his 7 days were up. His fur was horribly matted and he was in a very poor condition when he came to his new owners. Rehomed dogs have often been traumatised and it takes time for new owners to build the trust of their dog and for the dog to be confident in meeting visitors. Handling can be very scary and Buddy had been very distressed by the essential grooming he previously needed. He clearly loves to spend time with his new owners so it will take time to break it down so he can learn that handling will not hurt him. He is worried by the male owner approaching what he regarded as precious (his bed and toys). This is not personal. Dogs often guard important items like bones and the solution is to make approaches to him safe and non threatening. Rehomed dogs do often have separation anxiety as they fear abandonment, but Buddy does settle when he is left. However, he gets very excited when people leave. He jumps and nips rather like a young puppy does and can also do this to get his owners attention. The owner did not see the biting of the grandchildren but he was trying to get attention after playing at the time. Safety precautions have been put in place (play pen and dog gates) so that Buddy can be supervised closely alongside training to get his focus. These owners have taken on a dog who has a lot of needs, but are willing to do the large amount of work that is required. He responded extremely well on the day and I am confident that over time they will have a much happier and more settled dog. They acknowledge that they will always have to take precautions so that he is not triggered to bite and are happy to do so as responsible dog owners.
27th November 2017 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Barking, Chewing, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Puppy management, Recall
These owners have a lovely Labradoodle who is a typical high energy adolescent dog. They have done some good basic training, but this was coming a little unstuck as he grew into a teenager who was pushing the boundaries. This is always difficult because dog training is not "one size fits all". It has to take into account the dog, its nature, how quick he or she learns and what environment the dog is living in. Teddy is very bright and responded really well to guidance and focus work. He loves to please and once he knew what was wanted he was really eager to engage in training.
27th November 2017 - Graham Milgrew
Graham dealt with Aggression, Pulling, Other
Archie is a 10 month old Whippet. He became very nervous after castration which can happen when a dogs testosterone levels are reduced. He found it particularly challenging to meet strange dogs especially when on the lead. His owners are now rebuilding his confidence and teaching him how to behave appropriately. This is not a quick fix for fearful dog, but he is making good progress.