Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
1st April 2014 - Neil Price
Neil dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall
1st April 2014 - Lee Hardy
Lee dealt with Pulling, Other
1st April 2014 - Lee Hardy
Lee dealt with Aggression
1st April 2014 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Jumping up, Puppy management
I love working with owners and their puppies and watching the puppies grow and develop into well-behaved dogs. Just like young children, puppies need to have ground rules so they understand what behaviour is acceptable when living with their family. It's important to never rush sessions and often, more frequent, but briefer sessions work best, touching base with the owners to make sure everything is on track. Puppies can be a lot of work, but put the effort in from the start and remain consistent, and you will have a well-behaved dog. I am really looking forward to future sessions with Stanley!
31st March 2014 - Lynn Prentice
Lynn dealt with Barking, Chewing, Jumping up, Puppy management, Toileting
24th March 2014 - Kevin McDonnell
Kevin dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Separation anxiety
24th March 2014 - Lee Hardy
Lee dealt with Barking
24th March 2014 - Lee Hardy
Lee dealt with Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Sibling rivalry
23rd March 2014 - Estelle Jackson
Estelle dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling
22nd March 2014 - Kevin McDonnell
Kevin dealt with Separation anxiety
20th March 2014 - Lynn Prentice
Lynn dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Other
20th March 2014 - Lynn Prentice
Lynn dealt with Aggression, Barking, Pulling, Recall