Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
23rd August 2013 - Kevin McDonnell
Kevin dealt with Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Sibling rivalry
23rd August 2013 - Lynn Prentice
Lynn dealt with Puppy management, Toileting
23rd August 2013 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Chewing, Separation anxiety
I am so pleased with the results of this job, but credit goes to you for putting into action what we talked about during your first session. Well done you.
21st August 2013 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Puppy management
She took on board everything I had to say and has worked well with her dog. I am delighted with the results.
21st August 2013 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Aggression, Pulling
I really loved this job, and although they live over an hour away I will definitely be going back to see them both to go out walking, even though his dog now walks really well to heel.
20th August 2013 - Jacquie Callaby
Jacquie dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Other
19th August 2013 - Lynn Prentice
Lynn dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling
19th August 2013 - Sharon Chapman
Sharon dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Sibling rivalry
18th August 2013 - Kevin McDonnell
Kevin dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Puppy management, Recall, Separation anxiety
16th August 2013 - Alex Fraser
Alex dealt with Aggression, Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Separation anxiety
Initially I wasn't sure where to start once we had finished talking about the behavioural issues and the training techniques, as her dog was so vocal and hyper, however by the end of the first session I could already see a big improvement - her dog was so much calmer. Two weeks later I went back to see how they were all getting on and even I was blown away with how calm he was. This is why I love my job!
15th August 2013 - Lee Hardy
Lee dealt with Jumping up, Pulling
14th August 2013 - Kevin McDonnell
Kevin dealt with Aggression, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Separation anxiety